April 2023 Mission Newsletter

So tonight, Wednesday 17th May 8.15pm we are off to Sweden.  Excited to be heading over for Sam & Bella's wedding - they have the opportunity to get married in a historic building on a rock in the Baltic Sea, as part of Pentecost week celebrations in Sweden, followed by a marquee reception for family & friends at their home.
Deane had a successful 6 months doing Property Maintenance in Auckland but with a wedding in Sweden, our family now located in different countries around the world and mission opportunities in Europe, we have made the decision to return to Europe for the future.   We have no date for return to NZ.   

We are going to spend 6 weeks in Sweden and will then travel to Israel for 3 months.   We are going to do workaways (5 hours a day x 5 days a week in exchange for free accomodation and food) and housesitting in both Sweden and Israel.   As always we will take every opportunity to share Jesus with people along the way.
Rather than staying longterm in one place and having loads of paperwork and Visa expenses, we can stay in most countries for 90 days and then we will move on.   

Please pray for the connections we already have with a couple in a Church in Tel Aviv that are involved with evangelism in an english speaking church.

There is also a church in Northern France which has a strong mission focus, has english speaking people and is doing AID trips across to Ukraine.
Back of Card
Deane has been busy planning for evangelism and purchased 250-500 gospel tracts and 500 Need Hope cards in English, Arabic, Hindi, Nepali and Swedish.
Please pray that the Lord will bring people across our paths that He wishes us to share with.
Grainger Mission BLOG

- as we will be moving around rather than staying in one specific country, we have decided to do most of our updates on the blog. 

Please click on the link and it will take you to 
https://graingers-in-africa.blogspot.com/ for updates.